July 2002 Return
to July 2002 contents page SPECIAL FEATURE Advocacy
for financial sustainability Heidi Larson,
Senior Communications Adviser at UNICEF and Chair of the GAVI Advocacy Task Force,
sets out some key principles Advocacy
is winning the support of key constituencies in order to influence policies and
spending, and bring about social change. Successful advocates usually start by
identifying the people they need to influence and planning the best ways to communicate
with them. They do their homework on an issue and build a persuasive case. They
organize networks and coalitions to create a groundswell of support that can influence
decision makers(1)
While accurate financial sustainability plans with a clear understanding of financial
gaps are crucial to mobilizing adequate and sustainable resources for immunization,
they are not enough. Decision makers who determine budgets for vaccines and immunization
services need to be aware of the importance and value of vaccines as a crucial,
cost-effective investment so that they commit needed budgets, with adequate long-term
planning to ensure uninterrupted supplies of vaccines. They also need to know
the public health risks of a vaccine programme running out of resources.
In order to advocate and plan for financial sustainability, clear and concise
information is needed on why a country should invest in immunization. Information
on how that investment can help to strengthen an overall health system is valuable
fuel for advocacy, as is evidence on the impact of immunization in reducing disease
burden. Good advocates also need to know who they
have to influence, and understand the environment and language to build an argument
that will appeal to that particular person or constituency. While there will be
some key messages that will be relevant to everyone, the way in which messages
are delivered will likely need to vary depending on the audience
in order to be effective. What matters to a minister of finance will be different
from what matters to a minister of health. Decision makers need to be persuaded
that immunization, in the context of other competing demands, is critical and
supportive of other health and development concerns.
In order to ensure that financial commitments will prove sustainable, the plans
need to be widely owned. Broad participation in the planning process is essential
to ownership of the plans and provides a wider base of support to ensure
that the plans are realized. Remember that advocacy for financial sustainability
is an ongoing process which will need continual effort. The more people who own
and believe in the need for adequate resources for immunization, the more likely
the needs will be met. Reference
1. TB Advocacy: a practical guide. WHO Global TB Programme. Geneva 1999
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