GAVI Board Meeting, 21-22 June 2001, London, England
June 2001
Alignment with accelerated disease control intitiatives
The scope of work and insight captured in the paper
was appreciated by the Board.
The issue of reducing childhood mortality from measles,
meningitis and other child killers is very important to African
Better integration of disease control initiatives
within health systems is crucial; we missed some opportunities in
the polio campaign to strengthen capacity for maintaining sustainable
There are many positive lessons to learn from the
polio eradication initiative concerning how to reach every child;
it is encumbent upon us now to use those lessons to develop systematic
outreach strategies in countries with difficult-to-reach populations.
At this stage in the polio eradication efforts, countries
will appreciate a clear statement from GAVI partners that they support
eradication. Any efforts to better align immunization efforts must
be designed so as not to disrupt or compromise the investments and
ongoing efforts in polio eradication.
Efforts to increase coordination between disease control
initiatives will have an impact on the work of all GAVI entities
the Board, Working Group, Secretariat, and task forces. The
Advocacy Task Force will need to urgently address issues raised
by alignment.
In order to ascertain how staff currently funded by
the polio eradication initiative should be utilized in the future,
it will be important to have an analysis of human resource capacity
and shortfalls in countries, including financial implications.
It is very important for GAVI to cooperate and collaborate
with other immunization and health initiatives, but it is equally
important for GAVI to maintain its sharp focus and efficient operations.
A balance must be found.
The Board:
- approved the establishment of a new objective
and milestone:
Objective: To support the national and international
accelerated disease control targets for vaccine-preventable
Milestone: By 2005, the world will be certified polio-free.
and requested that the Working Group consult with partners to
identify appropriate of disease outcome indicators (polio, measles,
MNT and vitamin A);
- approved the proposed direction to work towards
integration of all immunization initiatives by placing renewed
emphasis on GAVI's first objective to "improve access
to sustainable immunization services".
In practice, this will mean that as soon as
possible and no later than 2003, all countries annual work
plans, and subsequent multiyear plans, reflect an approach that
incorporates routine services, accelerated disease control, introduction
of new vaccines, and vitamin A supplementation within the context
of the health system. Targets in the national plans would need
to match available resources. For this approach to work, it would
have to be technically and financially supported by all partners
at all levels, especially through their participation in national
and regional Inter-Agency Coordinating Committees (ICC's) and
regional working groups;
- agreed to consider a revision of all GAVI objectives,
milestones, and indicators to support the full operationalization
of this strategic direction, at an appropriate time in the
near future;
- requested that, over the next few months, the
Working Group further elaborate on the framework for this
strategy and its implications for the national workplans and
ICCs, and regional and global activities;
- approved a revision of objective #2*as follows:
"Expand the use of all existing safe and cost-effective vaccines,
and promote delivery of other appropriate interventions at
immunization contacts";
*Current GAVI objective #2 is: "Expand
the use of all existing safe and cost-effective vaccines."