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Fifth GAVI Board Meeting, 21-22 June 2001, London, England

June 2001

Recommendations from the 4th Round of Country Proposal Review


The Board voiced its appreciation for the substance and detail of the written documentation provided by the Independent Review Committee (download Word document – approx. 77kb) . It is therefore appropriate that oral presentation of the recommendations during the Board meeting is succinct.


The Board:

  • endorsed all of the recommendations of the Independent Review Committee, namely that:

    • proposals from Afghanistan and Zimbabwe (for immunization services) and Uzbekistan and Viet Nam (for vaccines), receive approval;

    • proposals from Nigeria and Yemen (for immunization services), Albania, Eritrea, Liberia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan (for vaccines), and Bangladesh and Zambia (for both vaccines and immunization services) receive approval, with clarifications on specific issues. Upon presentation of satisfactory clarifications, these proposals would be automatically approved;

    • proposals from Bosnia & Herzegovina, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe (for vaccines) receive conditional approval;

    • proposals from Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan (for immunization services), Yemen (for vaccines), and Togo (for both vaccines and immunization services) receive requests for re-submission;

  • requests the Fund Board** to approve the above recommendations, for which financial implications are estimated to be US$23 million for the years 2001 and 2002. The five-year commitment is estimated to be in the order of US$196 million, given current vaccine prices and assuming that the countries consistently reach their targets for immunized children;

  • requests the Fund Board** to increase the commitment to Ghana from US$12.5 million to US$ 38 million over a five year period, in order to cover the increased costs of introducing pentavalent vaccine earlier than originally planned.

** The Fund Board subsequently met and approved the recommendations of the GAVI Board.



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