GAVI Board Meeting, 17 October 2001, Ottawa, Canada
October 2001
3. Opening Window 3 of the Vaccine
Fund to support R&D;
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- Issues in research and development vary according
to the kind of problem to be addressed. For example, the need
for disease burden studies is an obvious gap in R&D; funding. However,
development of new vaccines, or adaptation of existing vaccines
for developing country settings such as a stabilized measles
vaccine are more complex issues for consideration and will
need additional work.
- Funding to pharmaceutical companies should not
necessarily be ruled out as long as it goes to support
clinical development of a vaccine targeted for developing countries
and no commercial incentive exists for that vaccine.
- While we cannot obligate the Vaccine Fund to purchase
future products, we must consider the effect on companies
investment in product development if there is no assured market.
- Before specific funding decisions are taken
by the Board, the various 'push' and 'pull' options should be
well defined, e.g., whether research grants, advance purchase,
tax incentives or other tools would be the most effective in accelerating
vaccine development. If a pharmaceutical company is to be funded
then there would have to be a quid pro quo agreed to assure access
for developing countries.
The Board:
3.1 agreed that the proposed guidelines should be
taken forward for final approval by the Board, subject to modification
based on the issues raised in the discussion.