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Washington, DC, 15-16 July 2003

>>Back to the 11th GAVI Board Meeting

Full report and preliminary findings
(Word - 170K)

3. Report on task forces, regional working groups

  • Task forces and regional working groups have played a very important role in the development of GAVI forging strong collaboration among a large set of partners and producing important products for GAVI. Their contributions were universally applauded by the Board.

  • GAVI is evolving and today's challenges look very different than the challenges of the early days. Therefore it makes sense that GAVI looks very different than it did one year ago.


The Board:

    3.1 Approved all of the recommendations of the Board sub-group. Specifically:

      3.1.1 The Research & Development Task Force, having successfully completed its Board-requested tasks, will come to an end as of this meeting.

      3.1.2 The Advocacy and Communications Task Forces in its current form will come to an end as of this meeting. However, advocacy is a crucial activity for GAVI and will therefore need to be addressed through other means, for instance:

      • Establishing a small Global Advocacy Coordinating group comprised of the main partners: WHO, UNICEF, the Secretariat, The Vaccine Fund, CVP/PATH, and the Gates Foundation. The role of this group should be to coordinate messages about the value and importance of immunization, and to ensure that efforts to approach key leaders, international agencies, and global audiences are coordinated, coherent and consistent.

      • Country level advocacy would be the responsibility of the ICCs and partners on the ground. It may be appropriate to have UNICEF provide significant support in this area, especially as a conduit to build on work done by existing groups such as the "Communications and Advocacy Group for Polio Eradication and Immunization".

      • Communications on GAVI will be the responsibility of the Secretariat and The Vaccine Fund.

      3.1.3 The Financing Task Force continues to have an important role to play in the work on financial sustainability, and should therefore be continued to end 2005. It may need to contract more work out and will therefore need to be adequately financed.

      3.1.4 The ITF should cease to exist in its current form after December 2003. The ITF should use the remaining six months to complete its workplan, and to engage partners (particularly those who are neither represented on the Board or Working Group) on transitioning arrangements to ensure that a forum for collaboration and consultation would be continued in the form of an annual partners' meeting, with periodic conference calls in between, to discuss operational and technical issues related to developing and enhancing the common application of best immunization practices. WHO is the logical candidate to lead this forum.

>>Back to the 11th GAVI Board Meeting

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