Seventh GAVI Board Meeting, Stockholm, 11 March 2002
2. Monitoring and reporting of country performance
here to download paper [MS Word, 150kb]
- Accountability is a key principle for the Alliance,
in terms of country performance as well as the performance of
GAVI and the Vaccine Fund in raising awareness of and catalysing
improvements in immunization systems.
- The Annual Progress report is designed to give
responsibility of reporting and implementation to governments,
and empower ICCs to have more strength
in the system. It should be an opportunity to identify problems
with health and immunization systems, and stimulate action to
resolve them.
- Some Board members questioned whether it was appropriate
that Ministers of Health would need to be involved in reporting
to GAVI and the Vaccine Fund; does requiring this signature add
an unnecessary political burden to the process? Or does it enhance
the commitment of the government to improving its system?
- Information received from countries on use of immunization
services funding could be useful for identifying best practices
and sharing information between countries.
The Board:
2.1. Confirmed the following principles:
2.1.1. The monitoring and reporting system should be
designed to minimize burden on countries and support country’s own
systems and needs.
2.1.2. The GAVI/Vaccine Fund Annual Progress Report
will include a request for information about financial sustainability
plans, and outcomes of DQAs in countries where they are conducted.
2.1.3. The responsibility for conducting mid-term reviews
– in-depth assessments of the processes and functions of country
immunization programs – will be delegated to ICCs and regional working
2.1.4. The monitoring and reporting system should be
flexible enough to be revised as needed.
2.2. Approved the draft Annual Progress Report, with
the following amendments:
2.2.1. In the section that requests information on
the use of immunization services funding, add space for countries
to report whether the money was placed in a sector-wide account.
2.2.2. Change the wording in the section requesting
information about the financial audit to better reflect the role
and autonomy of governments.
2.3. Formed a subgroup – Mali (Nafo-Traore), Norway
(Mogedal), UNICEF (Fife) and the Vaccine Fund (McKinnon) – to propose
new text on financial audit requirements and report back to the
Board at its next teleconference.