Financing Immunization
Capacity Building in Financial
Management The Challenge: building suitable short and
long term capacity for well functioning immunization programs Financial
planning and management skills are critical to well-functioning immunization programs.
Unfortunately, many Ministries of Health have inadequate planning and budgetary
capabilities and many countries and donors have limited appreciation and experience
with the value and uses of costing and financial data, and even less experience
in the use of data for decision-making and improving program performance. Although
there is a long-standing appreciation among the donor community of the importance
of capacity building, there has been little consistent support for this area of
need. The Task Forces contribution
The Financing Task Force (FTF) is working with an Inter-Task Force Sub-group (Financing,
Advocacy and Country Coordination) to develop a Strategic Framework for Assessing
and Strengthening Capacity of National Immunization Services for GAVI. The FTF
will support human capacity building in financial assessment and management within
the context of the strategic framework. The proposed FTF activities in capacity
building have relevance for both Fund and non-Fund eligible countries. Resources Guidelines
for preparing a national immunization program financial sustainability plan
- DRAFT Strategic Framework for Assessing and Strengthening
the Capacity of National Immunization Services