6.1 Agreed not to create a Board subgroup to explore with major bilateral and multilateral assistance agencies their willingness and ability to increase financing for health and immunization programs, but requested the Executive Secretary to identify other opportunities such as the High Level Forum to do this work.
6.2 Agreed that bridge financing should not be restricted to a $300 million ceiling but that flexibility is needed, and that a period longer than five years may be required, at least in certain countries.
6.3 Agreed that differentiation of countries according to GNI, so that the poorest countries may contribute a lower co-payment than the less poor countries, should be explored.
6.4 Requested the Financing Task Force to look at perhaps three different countries with different situations and calibrate recommendations based on these in depth analyses. The analysis should be conducted in the context of a risk management approach. A complete investment case for bridge financing would be submitted to the Board in March 2005.
6.5 Requested the Working Group to revise the current process for country applications and financial support to ensure that in the future, financial implications are fully understood by the countries prior to introduction of new vaccines with GAVI/Vaccine Fund support. This could include engaging the involvement of finance ministries.