Presentation: Bo Stenson (
PPT - 325K)
Presentation - Measles: Merceline Dahl-Regis, Investment case review team (
PPT - 154K)
Measles investment case II (
PDF - 1035K)
Presentation - Maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination: Merceline Dahl-Regis (
PPT - 200K)
MNT investment case (
PDF - 1669K)
Presentation - Polio stockpile: Merceline Dahl-Regis, Investment case review team (
PPT - 166K)
Polio stockpile investment case (
PDF - 175K)
6. IFFIm-Dependent Investment Cases
- Provisional decisions on all three cases are necessary
in order to prepare for upcoming developments on the IFFIm. Clear
budgetary processes to address such initiatives must be developed.
- While IFFIm ‘frontloaded’ funds lend themselves
naturally to the financing of campaigns and stockpiles, a balance must
be found to ensure that such activities are not carried out at the
expense of country-led processes and routine immunization services.
Measles investment case
- A very strong case was made for supporting measles
mortality reduction activities with IFFIm resources. The impact of
routine measles coverage alone would not likely be visible for 10-15
years. Measles campaigns can provide immediate impact and should be
followed with sustained coverage.
- Campaigns carried out with this support should
include additional interventions such as distribution of vitamin A
supplements and insecticide treated nets.
Maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) elimination investment case
- While the ‘catch-up’ campaigns discussed in this
investment case seem to be a justified activity for which to use IFFIm
resources, many felt that the MNT case should be ranked third among the
three IFFIm-dependent investment cases.
- Given the difficulties with community
misperceptions regarding past MNT campaigns targeted at women of
child-bearing age, the proposal should include a comprehensive
communications strategy, in addition to the other issues raised by the
Polio stockpile investment case
- Development of new monovalent OPV vaccines for a polio
stockpile would contribute to the acceleration of polio eradication.
GAVI and IFFIm resources are well-suited to making this type of
investment, while traditional donors are not.
- Approximately 60% of the proposed budget is the minimum required to issue a tender for the development of the new vaccines.
The Board:
6.1 Approved that investments in all the
IFFIm-dependent cases should not exceed $500 million. If less than a $4
billion IFFIm is launched, this budget would have to be reduced
6.2 Approved investing in the polio investment case, at an indicative 60% of the proposed amount.
6.3 Requested that the MNT investment case address the weaknesses identified by the IRC.
6.4 Agreed that depending on the size of the IFFIm, a
cap should be placed on the size of the measles investment. The
investment case developers would then be asked to design a programme
based on the capped budget.
6.5 Agreed on the need to strike an appropriate balance
between campaigns and broader system support in regards to the measles
and MNT investments.
6.6 Endorsed the suggestion by the Secretariat to form
a small working group review and take forward a concrete proposal to
the GAVI EC, based on the above Board directions and the forthcoming
IFFIm decisions.