Geneva, Switzerland, 28-29 April 2005
Summary Report
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10. Update on the International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm)
- The proposed structure of the IFFIm may appear to be complicated but when compared to other financial vehicles of this magnitude, it is actually not overly complex. Even so, the structure is the price that must be paid for the additional resources for immunization that would be made available through the IFFIm.
- Donors clarified that their contributions to the IFFIm would be additional; core funding trends would continue on their current trajectory.
The Board:
10.1 Applauded the UK, France and Sweden for their leadership and continued commitment to make the IFFIm a reality. The resources will enable saving more children’s lives without delay.
10.2 Confirmed the importance that, from a country perspective, there should be no difference in the regular GAVI country support processes and processes to be employed with IFFIm resources.
10.3 Agreed that improvements to the audit, monitoring and evaluation of country programmes should be applied consistently between regular GAVI resources and IFFIm resources.
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View all presentations here
- Global Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVS)
- The Vaccine Fund financial forecast
- Looking forward to phase 2; GAVI funding principles
- Investment Case review process
- Advance market mechanisms
- The evolving vaccine pipeline
- Long-term vaccine procurement strategy
- HepB, Hib and yellow fever in phase 2
- Update on the Health System Support (HSS) investment case
- Update on the International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm)
- 2006-07 GAVI strategic framework and work plan
- In camera session