Geneva, Switzerland, 28-29 April 2005
Summary Report
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Patrick Kadama, WHO & Paul Fife, Norad PPT - 109K
Paper - HSS update PDF - 81K
Paper - Information only - Bridge financing update - PDF - 41K
Paper - Information only - MNTE update - PDF - 23K
Paper - Information only - Measles update - PDF - 27K
Paper - Information only - Polio stockpile - PDF - 27K | |
9. Update on the Health System Support (HSS) investment case
- Much of the increase in resources for international health is going to global health partnerships. It is therefore important for these partnerships to look at systems issues. However, the work has to be aligned and this will take some time.
- In the country settings, programmes that are vertical at a global level are often integrated out of necessity. Solutions can often be found at the district level.
- Immunization provides a good entry point for looking at systems issues because it is concrete. Furthermore, if immunization does not work in a country it is unlikely that other basic health services are working well.
- The amount of funds that GAVI will give to health system is actually quite small, which is why it is so important to ensure that funding is complementary, and reflects national priorities.
- One of the greatest problems with health systems is turnover of staff; a common approach to this problem could be valuable.
The Board:
9.1 Endorsed the ongoing work on linking GAVI support to health systems support to other global health initiatives and specifically requested the Secretariat to engage with other initiatives to ensure complementarity, effectiveness and efficiency when investing in capacity building.
9.2 Supported in general the idea of a window for GAVI funding to strengthen health systems but expressed concern that a balance needs to be struck between focus on immunization, country-driven demand, and innovation. Clear mechanisms will need to be identified to ensure accountable use of resources while preserving maximum flexibility.
9.3 Agreed that the timeline for submission to the GAVI Board for decision on this funding window should be delayed until December to give sufficient time for full consideration.
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View all presentations here
- Global Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVS)
- The Vaccine Fund financial forecast
- Looking forward to phase 2; GAVI funding principles
- Investment Case review process
- Advance market mechanisms
- The evolving vaccine pipeline
- Long-term vaccine procurement strategy
- HepB, Hib and yellow fever in phase 2
- Update on the Health System Support (HSS) investment case
- Update on the International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm)
- 2006-07 GAVI strategic framework and work plan
- In camera session