Geneva, Switzerland, 28-29 April 2005
Summary Report
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7. Long-term vaccine procurement strategy
- There had been a positive response to a questionnaire circulated among Board members, with 22 responses from 15 Board members, allowing for the Gates Foundation and UNICEF who are responsible for the review of the long-term procurement strategy to draw some initial conclusions.
- A principal conclusion was the need to explore product-specific procurement strategies for the vaccines supported by GAVI.
- It was felt that it might also be worth comparing current US, EU and UN procurement rules, and to coordinate with the MDG High Level Forum and the Interagency Pharmaceuticals group, to see how the GAVI procurement strategy could fit within the parameters being discussed there.
The Board:
7.1 Welcomed the report of the results of the questionnaire sent to its members on GAVI’s long term procurement strategy. The full report – including proposed revised procurement principles and next steps – will be circulated by the Secretariat to the Board for approval by email within the next month.
7.2 Recommends that the results of the "Global Vaccine Supply: The Changing Role of Suppliers" study now being conducted, under the leadership of the World Bank, WHO and the Gates Foundation, should inform the procurement strategy.
7.3 Agreed that the procurement strategy should be further discussed at the July meeting, and recommendations on the first set of vaccines will be given, with a view to having a final strategy in place by December.
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View all presentations here
- Global Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVS)
- The Vaccine Fund financial forecast
- Looking forward to phase 2; GAVI funding principles
- Investment Case review process
- Advance market mechanisms
- The evolving vaccine pipeline
- Long-term vaccine procurement strategy
- HepB, Hib and yellow fever in phase 2
- Update on the Health System Support (HSS) investment case
- Update on the International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm)
- 2006-07 GAVI strategic framework and work plan
- In camera session