Geneva, Switzerland, 28-29 April 2005
Summary Report
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Presentation: Andrew Jones, The Vaccine Fund PPT - 263K | |
2. The Vaccine Fund financial forecast
- Interest in the GAVI model has increased recently, and there has been some expansion in the number of potential donors, largely relating to discussions around the International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm). Even if the IFFIm does not materialize, certain new donor governments may still be interested in making direct contributions to the Vaccine Fund.
- For phase 2, it will be important to make deliberate decisions about whether GAVI will only make financial commitments based on cash on hand (as is currently) or whether commitments could be approved based on pledges and projections.
- In future presentations on this topic it would be helpful to be presented with more background information regarding the assumptions of future financial commitments to the Vaccine Fund.
- It would be extremely valuable for representatives of recipient countries to be involved in resource mobilization efforts.
The Board:
2.1 Requested that future financial forecast presentations place GAVI funding in the larger context of total immunization financing and needs as presented in the GIVS, when that information becomes available (see 1.2).
2.2 Requested the Secretariat to explore presenting the data in three ways:
2.2.1 actual financial disbursements to countries and expenditures by countries;
2.2.2 multi-year commitments to countries including funds committed but not yet disbursed;
2.2.3 projected future commitments to countries based on estimates of country demands.
2.3 Requested the Secretariat to explore the potential for making long-term commitments to countries based on longer-term donor financing.
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View all presentations here
- Global Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVS)
- The Vaccine Fund financial forecast
- Looking forward to phase 2; GAVI funding principles
- Investment Case review process
- Advance market mechanisms
- The evolving vaccine pipeline
- Long-term vaccine procurement strategy
- HepB, Hib and yellow fever in phase 2
- Update on the Health System Support (HSS) investment case
- Update on the International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm)
- 2006-07 GAVI strategic framework and work plan
- In camera session