Geneva, Switzerland, 28-29 April 2005
Summary Report
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Julian Lob-Levyt, Executive Secretary, GAVI PPT - 81K
DRAFT principles PDF - 25K | |
3. Looking forward to phase 2; GAVI funding principles
- As we look to phase 2, it will be important to clarify how GAVI partners can be supported in the important roles they play in assisting countries.
- The overall direction of the GAVI funding principles is acceptable; however, certain specific areas, such as performance-based funding and financial sustainability should be reintroduced, and others such as innovation should be strengthened in the draft.
The Board:
3.1 Requested the Secretariat to edit the principles based on the Board discussion.
3.2 Agreed that the principles should not be finalized until they are discussed in the upcoming consultations with countries. Thereafter principles will be submitted to the Board.
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View all presentations here
- Global Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVS)
- The Vaccine Fund financial forecast
- Looking forward to phase 2; GAVI funding principles
- Investment Case review process
- Advance market mechanisms
- The evolving vaccine pipeline
- Long-term vaccine procurement strategy
- HepB, Hib and yellow fever in phase 2
- Update on the Health System Support (HSS) investment case
- Update on the International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm)
- 2006-07 GAVI strategic framework and work plan
- In camera session