Ensuring access to vaccines and related products =>> Procurement/Supply of existing products =>>
Minimal divergence between vaccine forecasts and uptake.
Responsible entity: VPP Completed by: December 2005 Total budget: $557,000
Status |
Achievement of overall target |
On track |
• Two causes of reduced vaccines uptake were experienced during the reporting period: the delay of production of combination vaccines by manufacturers and the delay of starting introduction of new vaccines by countries. They were properly controlled to avoid disruption of vaccinations and to minimize side-effects in vaccines uptake.
Target description and how it will help reach GAVI milestones
GAVI implements a vaccine procurement plan for 2004-06. WHO is responsible for the program function: accuracy (product and timing) of country by country and overall vaccines forecast. UNICEF is responsible for the supply function: accuracy of availability and pricing assessments, delivery reliability, timeliness, content of information shared with industry, and pricing trends over time. The VF is responsible for the finance function: proportion of firm contracting, financing return, uptake of firm offtake. Through the same multi-disciplinary approach, the VPP team is responsible to early detect and solve the problems and the emergencies arising during implementation. The ineffectiveness of a loose VPP alliance on risk management would result either in loss of resources or in unmet country demands and ultimately in loss of children lives.
HepB & Hib MILESTONES: An early detection of risk in introduction of new vaccines will minimize the divergence of vaccines forecast and uptake for hepB, Hib, and YF, better meeting country demand and ultimately in reaching more children with new vaccines.
Justification for selection of activities
In order to achieve an effective implementation of the 2004-06 procurement plan it is essential that: - WHO keeps in close contact with countries to update the vaccines forecast
- UNICEF keeps in contact with industry to monitor vaccine production and with countries for timely delivery of vaccines
- VF keeps in contact with donors to ensure sufficient funding
- The Secretariat through the progress reports and FSPs collects information on countries' funding of immunization.
ACTION PLAN Activities | Budget | Coordinating partner/ support partners | Expected outcomes | Establish, use, communicate monitoring tool for forecast and manage the exceptions with VPP team. | $207,000 | WHO UNICEF VF | • Forecasting performance is monitored and exceptions are identified and solved | Establish, use, communicate monitoring tool for supply delivery and manage the exceptions with VPP team. | $350,000 | UNICEF | • Vaccines provision performance is monitored and exceptions are identified and solved | Establish, use, communicate monitoring tool for VF funding and manage the exceptions with VPP team. | $0 | VF | • Performance of VF funding is monitored and exceptions are identified and solved | Establish, use, communicate monitoring tool for country funding and manage the exceptions with VPP team. | $0 | Secretariat UNICEF VF | • Performance of country funding is monitored and exceptions are identified and solved/td> |
Detailed information on activities
Activity 1:
Lead partner: WHO
Other partners: a) UNICEF-SD for periodic exchange of programmatic information, maintenance of a demand database, maintenance of a tracking system for vaccine utilization. b) VF for periodic exchange of information about funding status and possibilities for new commitments.
Budget (WHO): a) 1 full-time assistant for programme data management at $ 75,000 per year; b) coordination and follow-up of teleconferences with regions, travel to regions for in-depth review of data, planning and organization of periodic updates with partners at $ 28,000 per year.
Activity 2:
Lead partner: UNICEF
Budget (UNICEF): The budget for UNICEF activities is $ 175,000 each year for travel and technical assistance to countries, capacity building in management of cold chain, vaccines supply, stockouts and wastage. The UNICEF budget is funded from other sources.
Activity 3:
Lead partner: VF
Budget: The cost of the VF's staff time has not been included in the budget.
Activity 4:
Lead entity: Secretariat
Partners: UNICEF-SD and the VF, for annual exchange of information on updated country plan for internal funding of immunization programme. The main sources of information will be the annual reviews of Progress Reports and of Financial Sustainability Plans.
Targets by priority area
Ensuring access to vaccines and related products
==>> Procurement/Supply of existing products
• Minimal divergence between vaccine forecasts and uptake. • Establish planning processes for vaccines provision, with focus on hepB, Hib and YF and support to other GAVI vaccine initiatives
==>> Development and introduction of new, near-term products
==>> Managing process for country support from Vaccine Fund
Securing long-term financing
==>> Financial sustainability
==>> Recapitalization of The Vaccine Fund
Strategic planning & monitoring
==>> Setting priorities
==>> Monitoring progress
==>> Alliance coordination
Strengthening service delivery
==>> Health information and monitoring systems
==>> Contributing to alleviation of system-wide barriers
==>> Enhanced efforts in large population countries