Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)
The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) is a public-private partnership focused on increasing access to vaccines among children in the poorest countries. Partners include national governments, UNICEF, WHO, The World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the vaccine industry, public health institutions, and NGOs.
GAVI Added Value
GAVI focuses on those areas in which no one partner can work effectively alone and to add value to what partners are already doing. GAVI added value has been defined in four areas: • Coordination and Consensus-building • Funding support to countries from the Vaccine Fund • Innovation • Advocacy and Communications
GAVI Principles
Set of core principles which the GAVI Board follows when making decisions about areas in which to invest Vaccine Fund resources.
GAVI Strategic Framework
The GAVI Strategic Framework forms the basis for the GAVI Work Plan.
GAVI Work Plan (GAVI WP)
The GAVI work plan encompasses the added value that the Alliance brings to partner activities to support immunization. It includes activities and budgets of the GAVI Secretariat, as well as certain activities undertaken by partners on behalf of the Alliance.
Global Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVS)
The GIVS is a ten-year plan (2006-2015) being developed by WHO and UNICEF in consultation with the broader health and immunization community. It aims to define a unified vision for the main immunization goals in the coming years and to agree on key strategies and activity areas to reach these goals.