Phase 1
The term used to describe GAVI policies and priorities during its initial 2000-2005 period.
Phase 2
Starting in 2006 GAVI will likely follow a somewhat revised set of policies to reflect experiences gained in phase 1 and evolving priorities and adaptations The contents of phase 2 policies and priorities are still being defined.
Pentavalent vaccine
A vaccine which includes five antigens. GAVI provides the pentavalent Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, HepB and Hib. As of December 2004, 14 countries were receiving GAVI support for the pentavalent vaccine.
Performance base grants
Term used to describe ISS funding.
Pneumo ADIP
The PneumoADIP created by GAVI and The Vaccine Fund and based at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, is a target-driven approach to accelerating evaluation of and access to new pneumococcal vaccines in developing countries.
Poverty Reduction Strategy Credits (PRSC)
Poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP)
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) describe the macroeconomic, structural and social policies and programs that a country will pursue over several years to promote broad-based growth and reduce poverty, as well as external financing needs and the associated sources of financing. PRSPs are prepared by governments in low-income countries through a participatory process involving domestic stakeholders as well as external development partners, including the IMF and the World Bank.
Pull mechanisms
Pull mechanisms provide a market incentive for increased commitment to vaccine and drug research and development. The GAVI alliance has adopted two key strategies to encourage industry, or "pull" mechanisms: • The mobilization of partners and the Vaccine Fund to strengthen immunization services in low-income countries • The purchase and introduction of available under-used vaccines.
Push mechanisms
Options to accelerate the development of a vaccine (e.g. direct funding of research in laboratories or universities). Push mechanisms are intended to reduce the risks and costs of R&D investment.